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Friday, May 31, 2013

70 virgins in Heaven? Another misconception: Bokoh...

70 virgins in Heaven? Another misconception: Bokoh...: 70 virgins in Heaven? Another misconception It was one Hamas activist, Muhammad Abu Wardeh, who was reported to be recruiting terrorists...

70 virgins in Heaven? Another misconception: Bokoharam

70 virgins in Heaven? Another misconception

It was one Hamas activist, Muhammad Abu Wardeh, who was reported to be recruiting terrorists for suicide bombings in Israel more than a decade ago that said:  “God would compensate the martyr for sacrificing his life for his land. If you become a martyr, God will give you 70 virgins, 70 wives and everlasting happiness.”  All the informed Muslims knew certainly that Wardeh was only shortchanging his recruits.
This has become widespread to the extent that non-Muslim and mischief makers who have no modicum of knowledge about Islam use this false assertion to denigrate the religion, especially when the dare devil bombers or blood thirsty group struk. They say: Hey! they want to go to heaven and acquire 70 virgins and other bla bla…
It is only a sick and despicable mind that feels that it has a right to attack, steal, murder and cause harm to others.
One, suicide which is qatlu nafsi-hi is strictly forbidden in Islam, and it is followed by the punishment of Allah. The flesh and body are not our own possession but a trust granted to us in order to preserve our spirit.  So, we cannot attempt to blow up the divine work of art entrusted on us. We cannot also destroy it by going on hunger strike; it is unacceptable in Islam.
The Quran which guides the actions and activities of any Muslims says: Suicide is forbidden. “O ye who believe!… [do not] kill yourselves, for truly Allah has been to you Most Merciful. If any do that in rancour and injustice, soon shall We cast him into the Fire…” (Qur’an 4:29-30). Then the Prophet says “Indeed, whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the Fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever”, [Bukhari (5778) and Muslim (109 and 110)].
A picture taken from a video distributed to journalists in recent days through intermediaries and obtained by AFP on March 5, 2013 reportedly shows Abubakar Shekau (C), the suspected leader of Nigerian Islamist extremist group Boko Haram, flanked by six armed and hooded fighters in an undisclosed place.
Abubakar Shekau (C), the suspected leader of Nigerian Islamist extremist group Boko Haram, flanked by six armed and hooded fighters in an undisclosed place. Photo AFP
What the Hadith referred to is matayr which is (sahid) contrary to killing of oneself.  Martyrdom is everywhere praised and encouraged. Again, the Prophet said: “The most excellent jihad is that for the conquest of self.” “Whoever suppresseth his anger, when he has it in his power to show it, God will give him a great reward.” “Do you love your Creator? Love your fellow beings first.”
“Wish not or supplicate for death before its taime cometh.”
Secondly, paradise is described in great sensual detail in Suratul Waqiah; Q56 verses 12-40 and other chapters as well as the hadiths.  Also, Q55 verses 54-56 ; Q 76 verses 12-22.
In one of the verses, Hurun moqsuratun fil-khiyam.  Meaning: Fair ones are reserved in the Garden. Yes!, the Quran talks about damsels, but in a context that most people especially the non-Muslims have misrepresented and always paint in a derogatory manner to suit their interests and purposes.  There is no where in the Qur’an where 70 virgins was mentioned as a reward for killing people.
In paradise, there are many things that you cannot describe or comprehend except with spiritually assistance.  Allah mentioned in Qur’an many things about Paradise.  Comparing the earthily with that in heaven is mismatch. It is not about emotional and biological relationships, it is not about the way we relate here on earth.
The Qur’an says: In Gardens of Bliss: A number of people from those of old, And a few from those of later times,(They will be) on Thrones encrusted (with gold and precious stones), Reclining on them, facing each other. Round about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness), With goblets, (shining) beakers, and cups (filled) out of clear-flowing fountains: No after-ache will they receive therefrom, nor will they suffer intoxication: And with fruits, any that they may select: And the flesh of fowls, any that they may desire. And (there will be) Companions with beautiful, big, and lustrous eyes,- Like unto Pearls well-guarded. A reward for the deeds of their past (life). Not frivolity will they hear therein, nor any taint of ill, Only the saying, “Peace! Peace”. Q56 v 12-26
Non-Muslims are quick to refer to Islamic term of Jihad. Not many of them read the Qur’an or the hadiths to know exactly what the term means. Those of them who take Comparative studies or those who assume to know usually have a warped knowledge of the term as a result of sentiment of ‘mine is the only way’.   They have refused to be guided by the substance in what they read, rather they twist it and allowed themselves to be ruled by sentiment.
You will be surprised by the idea of a Pastor on Jihad, or the meaning a student at the seminary will give to Jihad. Even when you explain to them, they still hold firmly to what they think they know because it serves them a purpose. I have had to explain ‘Jihad and the virgins’ a number of times to some of my non-Muslim colleagues, yet, it has not changed anything; they still hold on to their idea.
Islam is all about mercy, about virtue, about sacrifice and about duty to humanity. It encourages moral perfection and any activity that is far from these, no matter the colouration, is not Islam. As Muslims, there is no room for fanaticism, for hatred, for racism, for terrorizing or killing innocent people in Islam, even in a state of war.  Shedding innocents’ blood constitute a form of injustice that can not be tolerated by Islam.
Combative dimension
The Qur’an states that to kill one innocent person is like killing all of humanity. Now, for the umpteenth time, Jihad, which literally means ‘struggle,’ has an internal, societal and combative dimension. The internal dimension of Jihad encompasses the struggle against the evil inclinations of the self, and the spiritual project to adorn the self with virtues such as justice, mercy, generosity and gentleness.
Secondly, the societal dimension includes struggling against social injustice and creating a communal identity based on charity, respect and equality; while the third aspect of jihad is only to be used as self-defense against aggression or to fight oppression, and, even at that, it is strictly within the limit of good conduct, justice and preservation of life of the innocents and the sanctity of the environment. For those who don’t know, this latter type of Jihad can only be declared by a legitimate, recognized religious authority, not any individual or a group of people with no legal identity or accepta

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

BBM TO GO CROSS-PLATFORM- But will anybody buy the BlackBerry cow if they are giving away the milk for free? ~ faces magazine, gist, gizmos

BlackBerry Messenger has been a favourite tool for fans of BlackBerry for many years, and now BlackBerry is hoping to spread the love on the iOS and Android platforms.
But this announcement has many wondering: is giving away BBM really such a great idea?
On the surface it certainly looks like they are giving current BlackBerry users one more reason to join the mutiny to Android and iOS. If the core reason for staying with BlackBerry up until now had been staying in touch with BBM contacts, then there is no reason to stick around any longer.
These users can now ditch BlackBerry and gain access to popular apps, like Instagram, Vine and Spotify, plus they can keep pinging their friends and work colleagues on BBM without any sacrifices.
BBLive: Where the action happens
The effect of this move may be felt most in emerging markets,especially in South East Asia where BBM (and the unlimited messaging plans that come with it) are mostly responsible for the huge popularity of the BlackBerry brand.
BlackBerry is hoping it will have the opposite effect and drive people to the platform. But will anybody buy the BlackBerry cow if they are giving away the milk for free?
This isn't a short-term strategy, and cross-platform BBM is more likely to damage the BlackBerry subscriber base in the near future than help grow it.
Current BlackBerry users are keenly aware of the reasons they want to switch (if they do), while iPhone and Android owners generally don't think much about BlackBerry at all.
To this end, cross-platform BBM will invariably build BlackBerry's brand awareness. Every time BBM shows up in an app search on iOS or Android, that's a win for BlackBerry. Every download of the app is a new customer.
If these new users start to use BBM as their IM app of choice, then it will plant the seed and give BlackBerry a better chance at a sale the next time these customer's contracts come up for renewal.
Of course, the big variable here is whether these people end up actually using BBM, and there is already strong competition on the other platforms.

What's app, doc?

With the rise and rise in popularity of the Whatsapp instant messaging service, no BBM announcement is complete without pundits drawing comparisons between the two services.
Whatsapp is already cross-platform, boasts twice as many messages per day from a user base which is now nearly three-and-a-half times larger than BBM. With so many people on Whatsapp, will anyone even bother with BBM on iOS and Android?
BlackBerry Z10
BlackBerry's offering will have a richer feature set though, with video and voice calling coming to the iPhone and Android by the end of the year.
There is also BBM's unique screen-sharing capability, where you can stream a mirror of your display during a call, letting your friends browse through your image gallery with you, or share a map while planning a get-together.
But ultimately smartphone users aren't loyal to one service or another. At the end of the day, it all comes down to where your friends are.
If you have friends among the 60-million people who use BBM, chances are you will download it and get in touch with them. You'll install both Whatsapp and BBM, plus Twitter, Skype and Facebook Messenger and happily switch between them all.
This multi-service usage is good news for BlackBerry. Ultimately, it just needs to be part of the conversation, it doesn't need to dominate it.

Win, win?

There are hearts and minds to be won on the competing platforms. Still, this is a big gamble for the company formerly known as RIM that could backfire.
BlackBerry believes that this is the "right time to do it". Many of the executives at BlackBerry Live used exactly the same phrase, saying that the company believed that BlackBerry 10 has enough uniquely attractive features to draw in customers besides BBM. It no longer has to rely on BBM to keep customers in the ecosystem, so the company can afford to share the love.
BlackBerry Q5
Being more inclusive of the other platforms is a great way to reach out to millions and millions of users. But does BlackBerry need to give these users everything? Would a cross-platform text-only service be a smarter play?
Give Android and iPhone users a taste - a nibble of the possibilities - but make them switch to a Z10 for the full suite of tools, especially the awesome screen-sharing functionality.
Either way, we'll be rooting for BlackBerry in the meantime. It's nice to watch a company getting back up on its feet with innovative ideas at the core of its strategy.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bus Driver Strips LASTMA Official Naked At Point Of Duty: A 35-year-old commercial bus driver, Abraham Ikujunni, has

A 35-year-old commercial bus driver, Abraham Ikujunni, has been arrested for allegedly assaulting an official of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority and resisting arrest.
According to LASTMA authorities, the bus driver allegedly stri*ped an official, Oyeyemi Olusola, ripping his pair of trousers apart.
Pix of the Striped victim
It was learnt that the incident occurred on Friday in Ikorodu area of the state.
It was learnt that the suspect was accosted for not wearing a seatbelt before the incident occurred.
A LASTMA official, who craved anonymity, said, “Around 8:26am on Friday, the LASTMA official apprehended the suspect around Odonguyan area of Ikorodu for not using a seatbelt.
“The official entered his vehicle and told him to park properly. He however drove the official into a street where there were commercial motorcycle riders

“The riders then supported the suspect and the LASTMA official was assaulted and his pair of trousers was torn. Fortunately, backup arrived and the suspect was arrested.”
Our correspondent sighted the suspect’s statement in LASTMA office. He denied assaulting the official, but admitted tearing his trousers.
He wrote, “My bus was faulty and I was trying to fix it when the LASTMA man accosted me. He said I should park properly so as not to obstruct the flow of traffic and I parked. He wanted to arrest me and I resisted so a struggle ensued.
“He slapped me and my shirt got torn in the process. I then engaged him in a struggle and while people were trying to separate us, his trousers got torn in the process. Please, I am also a victim.”
The LASTMA spokesperson, Bola Ajao, could not be reached for comment.

Why dont boys like me? Do you worry that boys are not attracted to you? Many girls do, even the ones you think would ha...

Why don't boys like me?

Do you worry that boys are not attracted to you? Many girls do, even the ones you think would have no problems! Take Tesuwa for example, she’s good looking intelligent, and articulate. Yet she says I often feel that boys don’t like me. A few that do showed an interest in me for a while but later stopped talking to me completely! “What type of things do boys find attractive in a girl? What do they find unattractive? Without demeaning yourself, what can you do to draw the attention of a decent young man?

How A Startup With No Revenue Can Be Worth A Billion Dollars

Getty Images/Paul Zimmerman

The Instagram cofounders
When Facebook snapped up Instagram for $1 billion last year , lots of people in the tech industry were baffled. Instagram had no revenue, but for some reason Facebook decided the company was worth spending a billion dollars on.
Earlier this year, Pinterest sold $200 million in stock to new and current investors for less than 10% of the company, effectively valuing it at $2.5 billion. Pinterest still has yet to generate any revenue, but investors are betting that the social pinboard startup could be the next Facebook. 
Paul Buchheit, the creator and former lead developer of Gmail, says this is the most counterintuitive aspect of the venture capital business.
“The general public doesn’t understand start-ups at all,” Buchheit recently told Nathaniel Rich of The New York Times. “They’re mystified how a company with no revenue can be worth a billion dollars. It’s because of this power law: If a company has a 1 percent chance of being a hundred-billion-dollar company, then it’s worth about a billion dollars. That kind of thing doesn’t happen in your normal life experience. If I get a cup of tea, it’s a cup of tea — there isn’t a chance that it’s actually made out of solid gold. But that’s how this works.”

29 years and Still Counting: Tempest Swam

 Happy Anniversary 

Happy Anniversary to the Parent of Miss Tempest Swam, May God continue to give, guide and protect them through the rest of their lives. Once again happy anniversary from Faces Magazine
Tweets by @nickyosa